[TenTec] Re: Centurion amp questions

Larry Kayser kayser@sympatico.ca
Tue, 30 Oct 2001 15:42:01 -0500


I have had my Centurian for about 5 years now, works good and is consistent.
I did manage to have the HV power transformer fail, after thinking about it
and doing some tests I suspect it was just the luck of the draw, the thing
failed and went short circuit inside the windings.  TT replaced the
transformer promptly at a reasonable cost.

The Pride tubes have given good service, I run QSK but choose not to use the
internal Centurian keying system as I will accept no distortion of the CW
keying, I use a timed system to key the relays so they never close or open
hot.  I find the amplifier is excellent value.

I hope you find that you have a similar experience if you get one.
