[TenTec] Keying the Omni-6+

ditzian@alltel.net ditzian@alltel.net
Mon, 3 Sep 2001 07:19:07 -0400

On 3 Sep 2001, at 0:19, Eric Rosenberg wrote:

> I guess I didn't make myself clear...
> What I want to know is...
>       Can I control the radio *and* key the radio (i.e., PTT) with the
> single serial cable that runs from my   computer to the DB-25
> interface port on the Omni-6+

As I understand the situation, the Omni VI will do this.  The 
question is whether the software that is communicating over the 
serial port to the Omni will allow the computer to do its part.  This 
can be done, for example, with Zakanaka.  You also can key the 
radio from Zakanaka by using a command directly over the serial 

Jan Ditzian