[TenTec] Corsair 1 Frequency Readout Problem

Nirendra Abeyesundere niren.abeyesundere@marconimed.com
Tue, 02 Apr 2002 20:51:35 -0500

I have a Corsair 1 that displays the incorrect MHZ on four bands( 160,
80, 40 and one of the WARCS) Any help would be appreciated. Please post
or respond to the following address ONLY: ramon.klein@cle.philips.com

 Niren Abeyesundere
 Marconi Medical Systems
 MR Product Support Engineer
 Tel: (440) 483-5409
 Fax: (440) 483-5875
 Voice Mail: (800) 552-9243 Ext. 3+5409
 E-mail : niren.abeyesundere@marconi.com

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