[TenTec] Jupiter takes an UNFAIR Beating

Wa4aos@aol.com Wa4aos@aol.com
Fri, 26 Apr 2002 13:56:18 EDT

It seems that there are a few Hams that have a slanderous agenda and could 
careless about being honest in their assessment of a particular rig. I submit 
that one such person is W0BKR who gave the Jupiter a ZERO rating, not once 
but twice. He, like the rest of the Amateur Radio Community understands Ten 
Tec's unbelievable and unparalleled policy of allowing one to purchase their 
products, use them for a month and if not satisfied, return the items for a 
FULL REFUND. Ask your car dealer if they will give you the same offer, if you 
want to see them laugh in your face. 
In My humble opinion, any company who is willing to provide that kind of 
WARRANTY   gets a 3.0 rating from the get-go before the rig is out of the 
box. Then the technical merits are weighed against other comparably priced 
products and factored against the company's service policy and reputation. I 
have played with the Jupiter and I would not give it a perfect 5.0 but I 
believe a 4.5 would be reasonable; in my humble opinio. I prefer my Omni 6 + 
but then, the 6+ is a MUCH more expensive rig. The Jupiter was not designed 
to be a replacement for an Omni 6 or other, much more expensive rigs.
For W0BKR to give the Jupiter a zero rating twice is unconscionable and 
demonstrates his unwillingness to be honest and or fare.  If you cast stones, 
don't be surprised if you drop one on your own foot.

Glenn   WA4AOS

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