[TenTec] Omni VI+ commands and DX4WIN?

Duane A Calvin ac5aa@juno.com
Sun, 28 Apr 2002 09:35:11 -0500

Hi Rick,
        I don't think the DX4WIN affects the filter selection - in fact,
I'm not sure what it does with them other than perhaps turn all filter
selections off if you're arriving from another band.  I notice:

        - if I start on one band/mode (say, 15m CW) with a set of filters
active, then going to the same band/mode from a spot leaves the filters
set the same.
        - if I start from another band/mode (different band stacking
register), then it turns all filters off.

I suspect the logic is (valid or not) that the current VFO is set to the
new frequency, and if you were already on this band and mode, you want
the filters left the same - if it's a new band or mode, then you want the
filters opened up so you can find the guy.  Spots are not always
extremely accurate.

I'm guessing at the logic, but I think that's as good as it gets in
DX4WIN at present.  I dont' know of any loggers that do it differently,
and I know of at least one that does it worse.

        73,  Duane

On Sun, 28 Apr 2002 07:22:27 -0500 "Rick Borken" <borken@lcp2.net>
> I wonder if someone out there can help me? I am trying to get my Omni 
> VI+ and DX4WIN logging program working together, so that commands 
> from the program can control the rig.  I have everything working OK 
> other than the IF filter selection. I'm sure there is a way to 
> select different IF filters for different modes, but I am stumped. 
> Any help will be appreciated.
> Thanks es 73, Rick K0XB   k0xb@arrl.net
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Duane A. Calvin, AC5AA
Austin, Texas
ac5aa@juno.com -or- ac5aa@austin.rr.com
Day:  dacalvin@us.ibm.com

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