[TenTec] A hypothetic question

Cara and Randy Randall crrandal@earthlink.net
Sun, 4 Aug 2002 18:0:2 -0500

There is a psudo"standard" the 
Collins CCA rating.  I know of 

no other group more particular 
than the Collins collectors.  

Maybe we should "borrow" 
their rating system, make changes 

where appropriate and publish them 
here.  What do you think?


Randy KB8ASO  

----- Original Message ----- 


To: tentec@contesting.com 

Sent: 8/4/02 9:11:46 

Subject: [TenTec] A hypothetic 

Hello, guys:

       I'm an OT with relatively new 
introductions to TT, eBay, eHam, and all 

the other sales possibilities. I have a new Jupiter, a second hand Scout, 

a wide assortment going back years and years.

       As I new-comer to current marketing of 
used equipment, I have been 

puzzled by many seller evaluations. "This is a 10." "This is a 9+." "This 

one, if it weren't for three chips in the paint on the back side which you 

can hardly see, would be a 9 for sure."

       My question may seem a bit off the 
wall. But does anyone ever 

advertise a rig and describe it is a "3," perhaps a "5+," or even a "7-." 

are there now only two levels, "10" and "9"? Is it a rig is either a "10" 

a "9," then "don't ask" and "buyer beware" ? ? 
?       8-)

      Same things on the RST codes on CW or 
SSB.  I've noticed numbers of DX 

stations hand out "5 9" to all stations, even my tiny peanut, when I 

barely read them on my rig. They would honestly be a 4 5, but they give 
me a 5

 9.  What gives? Is everything now magnificient or nearly 
so?        8-)     

73  Raymond   w5vpu




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"...you have the pride of your daddy, girl, the heart of your mother, 

come dance with me, Katie love, like there's no other..."


-"Katie Love", Celtic Soul


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