[TenTec] Orion shown at Old Timers Picnic on Saturday

Cara and Randy Randall crrandal@earthlink.net
Sun, 4 Aug 2002 18:5:2 -0500

I will not buy a pink rig no matter 
how good it is! ;' 


Randy KB8ASO

----- Original Message ----- 

From: Ken   Linda Burrough  

To: khopper@uchicago.edu ;Ten-Tec @ Contesting. Com 

Sent: 8/4/02 10:54:40 

Subject: Re: [TenTec] Orion shown at Old 
Timers Picnic on Saturday

Thanks Ken for the best report on the Orion yet.  Your comments 

Ten-Tec are what makes the company and I for one will never quite 

their gear, what every color it may be.



USAF Retired

Flushing, Ohio


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"...you have the pride of your daddy, girl, the heart of your mother, 

come dance with me, Katie love, like there's no other..."


-"Katie Love", Celtic Soul


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