[TenTec] My beloved Paragon

WA3FIY WA3FIY@radioadv.com
Sat, 10 Aug 2002 21:31:20 -0400

Hello Wes,

I have seen something like you describe occur as a result of PIN 
diode failure in the bandpass circuit board.  In my case one or 
two diodes shorted and caused low output and loss of signal 
strength on receive.

I too have had several failures in the Paragon but do not 
consider them serious as I have been able to fix every one 
without sending the unit back.   With surface mount and heavy 
dependence on DSP, such will not likely be case in the future.   
So.............I'm hanging on to my Paragons and Corsair just in case!   


On 10 Aug 2002 at 11:32, Wes Cosand wrote:

> Folks:
> My Paragon (serial #470) is putting out significantly reduced power.
> The output into a dummy load varies between bands, putting out about
> 65 watts at 1.8Mhz, 35 at 7Mhz, and 10 watts at 28 Mhz. Anyone have a
> good idea about the cause of this problem?
> This radio has been back to the factory so many times for so many
> issues I have lost count. The repair shop has been wonderful to work
> with but as you can imagine, I am becoming frustrated. This is the
> only radio I have ever used and currently I am only operating CW. I
> love the 500 Hz filter and the pass band tuning on this box. 
> If every module in the RF systems of the NMR instruments at work had
> the same mean time to failure as this box, it would be hard to get a
> reasonable return on investment. Of course, the scientific
> instrumentation costs more, but it seems that the reliability of the
> components should be comparable.
> Would I be disappointed with the filtering in the Jupiter? Is there a
> good way to zero beat the Jupiter? The poor zero beat arrangement of
> the Paragon is its most significant failing, in my view.
> Your discouraged comrade,
> Wes, WZ7I
> _____________________
> Wes Cosand, PhD
> 6299 Durham Rd; Rt 413
> PO Box 349
> Pipersville, PA 18947-0349
> Email: wz7i@arrl.net
> Phone: 215-766-3842
> FAX:   215-766-3843
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