[TenTec] my wheelchair mobile has moved to 18.136

KZ2G kz2g@optonline.net
Sat, 24 Aug 2002 07:49:39 -0400

Sorry for reposting more about my wheelchair mobile.  but there's a birdie
on my rig at my original freq of 18.138.  So i've moved to 18.136.  I'll be
listing for you all at 8 AM and 5 PM NY time.  i've already worked the South
West and Eastern Europe from my wheelchair mobile with 15 watts.  hope i can
hear u.  thanks for listening! 73.

Bob, KZ2G --- 10-10 # 10148
        Omni 6 Plus & FT-100D, C U on CW!
        See my Ham web at http://www.geocities.com/ram9872002/kz2g.htm
  Check out my Art Sale at http://www.geocities.com/ram9872002/Artpage1.htm