For cryin' out loud... Re: [TenTec] Powermite Users Group?

Ed Tanton
Tue, 03 Dec 2002 22:42:20 -0500

Hello Paul... et al... I'm certain we are (or at least: "were") as welcome 
as anyone on the "REAL Ten*Tec reflector" Paul... but there's nothing at 
all wrong with a discussion group about a sub-topic that... well... has 
nothing but a logo to do with all the very fine NEW stuff being produced. I 
seriously doubt anyone would have ever said a word when details about 
improving PowerMites, or about PowerMite-to-PowerMite QSOs, were threaded 
over and over again. After all, they ARE Ten* Tec's too. Yet, many DELETE 
keys would have been worked very hard clearing out the PM stuff many TT 
aficionados aren't the least bit interested in.

OTOH... as much as I like Ten*Tec-the-company, there's NO CHANCE anywhere 
in the near future I can afford the nice one. I just wish I could afford to 
get my (or another one like it) OMNI VI back. The idea of $4000 for ANY Ham 
Radio XCVR in THIS economy continues to boggle my mind. As I have said 
before, and pointedly to TT management,  the idea of $4000 for an 
otherwise-modern Ham Radio XCVR   ** with a B&W screen **   utterly BLOWS 
mind. (Yes I know: no one would have heard more than the slightest little 
"pop" when it went.) IF I had the $4000 to spare, I would immediately buy 
the nice RX-340 TT Receiver... but certainly not an that expensive an XCVR 
from anyone. That fact limits my interest in the majority of the posts on 
the reflector... but I wouldn't dream of leaving (well... voluntarily, 
anyway). I love the company, I love the OMNI VI, and I have an abiding 
interest in that truly small subtopic: the PowerMite. (OK... I also OWN 
(and like to read about) the Argonaut II and the PARAGON... and would like 
to get a good example of the '509.)

What does the paragraph above have to do with a spin-off TT-PM reflector? 
It is meant to illustrate that with the diversity of products from 
TT-versus detailed commentary on a "Vintage Solid State" rig that is 
technically somewhere near the Solid-State Stone Age; with that diversity, 
some-if not many-people might not so be interested in frequent, detailed 
QSO accounts of TT-PM users-much less DC receiver improvements on a 
try-this-then-try-that basis, for a 30+ year old QRP XCVR.

What I suppose I resent here is the tone of your note Paul. If it had been 
PRIVATE, I would have merely been somewhat offended. It sounds haughty. As 
a PUBLIC comment, it takes on different implications, and I am thoroughly 
offended, instead. It sounds as if "we three" are up to something; or have, 
in some way, intentionally insulted the reflector. I do not personally 
believe that anyone intended any such thing. If the Interest Group crashes 
and burns for lack of interest, then so be it. That'll be just fine. It 
sounded like a good idea at the time (to me, anyway.)

If ANYTHING significant (technically speaking) about PowerMites had come 
up, I would have been the first to transport it over. Now I am less certain 
that I would care to.

I have to be missing something here.

Regardless, this will be my last Reflector-wide comment on the subject. I 
will not be drawn into a mud-slinging contest for any reason. If I have 
anything else to say, it will be PRIVATE w/o regard for other future 
"PUBLIC" comments by anyone.

73 Ed Tanton N4XY <>

Ed Tanton N4XY
189 Pioneer Trail
Marietta, GA 30068-3466


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