[TenTec] Re: Flamed by the Factory?

john johnmb@nc.rr.com
Thu, 05 Dec 2002 08:36:54 -0500

At 11:41 AM 12/5/02 -0000, N4LQ wrote:
>Welcome to the internet. It's a dangerous place for a manufacture. One thing
>I like about it is the freedom of expression. You and Tim have both
>exercised this privilege.
>When I first saw TenTec's used equipment postings on this reflector I was
>rather startled and I still wonder what I would do if I were a manufacture.
>In a sense, it's a bit intimidating for us subscribers to make negative
>comments, knowing that the manufacture is reading and now commenting
>defensively to these postings.

	Huh? I view the presence of TenTec on the reflector as a major plus.
I think we're all thinking adults and can separate hype from fact, whether
that come from individuals or from a factory rep. Do you not think that TenTec
should be able to exercise the  "freedom of expression" you mention, or is
it just individuals who can sit back and take shots?

>Maybe your public rebuke to Tim was justified in your mind but was it worth
>it? Well you've crossed the line now. The blindly loyal TenTec fans now have
>the awesome fire power of the factory behind them and anyone making any
>negative comments will be quickly snuffed out.

	Oh please....

	Are the black helicopters circling over your place now too? Again,
we're all adults...see above.  Are TenTec fans now all "blindly loyal" and
involved with contesting.com and The Factory madly censoring postings
that might be critical ? 

>So now I will exercise my rights and make one last comment:

	Well, since this mailing list is not owned or run by you, neither you,
or I have any "rights" to free expression here....we exist via the benevolence
of the contesting.com folks.

>Some TenTec stuff is excellent and some of it is pure crap. It's always been
>that way and it's that way with any manufacture.

	Which is true of any "manufacture".

	John wb5oau	

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