[TenTec] Re: Flamed by a customer?

Robert & Linda McGraw K4TAX RMcGraw@Blomand.Net
Thu, 05 Dec 2002 07:50:24 -0600

Being retired from a position working for a manufacturer of electronic
equipment and being one that interfaced directly between the design group,
the manufacturing group, the sales and marketing group and responsible for
making all customers satisfied with our products, as well as keep the
corporate money folks happy, simply stated "it's a chore".  There is no
right answer.

It hurts my ham radio pride to see some of the comments being written here
on the reflector.  Some are simply childish, while other are clearly from
the un-informed and then there are those that appear to be written in a
spitefull manner.

Each of us have our likes, dislikes, preferences and thus we have the
opportunity to choose the equipment, model and brands that we buy and use.
We do it because, in our opinion, it is the best choice suited to our
operating needs or maybe it is the best choice suited to our budget.

I feel honored to know that "the factory" does read the information written
here on the reflector.  At the same time, it is most unusual to have "the
factory" respond in an open forum.  Regardless of what is said or written,
feel honored that we have the ability to do so.

With regard to specific issues or problems, I suggest that the question of
concern be asked in an open forum manner to obtain the magnitude of the
issue of concern.  But more importantly once sufficient information is
gathered, it then can be taken up with the factory on a one-to-one basis.
To that end, I have and have had issues with Tentec on certain technical
issues.  We don't agree.  That does not lower my opinion of Tentec or their

I eagerly look forward to the arrival of my new Tentec radio.

Bob, K4TAX