[TenTec] Argosy II FS

PaulKB8N@aol.com PaulKB8N@aol.com
Tue, 17 Dec 2002 13:10:12 EST

I have the following for sale:

Argosy II: Excellent cosmetically (a 9+), has the circuit breaker power cord 
and is an excellent performer.  I will include the T-kit keyer (built in a 
separate case, but could easily be placed inside the Argosy)  $210

AEA AT-300 tuner, very nice 300W tuner, built-in cross-needle Wattmeter that 
has a low power position good for measuring QRP.  Comparable condition to the 
Argosy, $90.

B&W model VS-300 tuner.  Very nice shape, also has built-in Wattmeter/SWR 
Bridge, works great with the Argosy, although designed to handle up to 300 

Add shipping from 78248 on all items.  Please address all responses to 

Paul R. Schaffenberger

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