[TenTec] Centurion with 2 rigs

Robert & Linda McGraw K4TAX RMcGraw@Blomand.Net
Thu, 19 Dec 2002 07:04:09 -0600

Correctly configured, the Centurion will  not "hot switch".  As designed the
Centurion is keyed first by the external keying source.  Then the keying
circuit in the Centurion keys the exciter.  While it may appear that one
keys the exciter either on CW or SSB, in the case of the Omni VI, the keying
signal is sent to the Centurion which in turn sends a keying signal back to
the Omni VI.

It is not advised to use the PTT signal or N.O. relay from the exciter to
key the Centurion thus the exciter is keyed first, the N.O. relay closes and
keys the Centurion thus can likely result in "hot switching".

As to using two exciters to key the Centurion, correctly isolated with a
diode matrix, it might work.  Personally, I consider it a high risk for

Bob, K4TAX

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jay Bromley" <w5jay@cox-internet.com>
To: "Jim" <jlboockh@earthlink.net>; <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 1:22 AM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Centurion with 2 rigs

> HI Jim,
> I will take a stab at this.  Maybe Gary was referring to you using the
> digital modes with the rigs relay coming in first and the PTT Centurion
> relay coming in second which would hot switch the amplifiers relay?
> However I did use my Centurion with the QSK on the Omni 6 and the PTT on
> Kenwood radios.  But I was using SSB on the Kenwood's with a foot
> switch/relay combo that would key the amp first and then the Kenwood's PTT
> line.  It was a crude non-QSK sequential keying, but effective.
> Anyway before I built the relay and foot switch setup I hooked up the
> Kenwood's direct with no problems.  However your mileage may vary!
> Gud luck and 73 de jay/w5jay..
> > I have a Centurion amp that works fine in QSK mode with my Omni VI+. I
> > would like also to use the Centurion with my Pegasus without
> > disconnecting the Omni VI+.
> > I am thinking of connecting the EXT T/R jack on the Pegasus to the
> > PTT/VOX jack on the Centurion and using it in the digital modes.
> >
> > Gary Greene at Ten Tec says the Pegasus can switch the Centurion voltage
> > safely but that it might harm the Centurion. When I asked him how it
> > would hurt the amp, he could not explain. He just said that he "wouldn't
> > recommend it".
> >
> > Has anyone on the list used the above setup? Can anyone suggest why it
> > might damage the Centurion to have it connected to two amps, one in QSK
> > mode and one in PTT/VOX  mode? Thanks!
> >
> >                                                                     Jim
> >  N4AL
> >
> >
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