[TenTec] ORION
Paul DeWitte K9OT
Tue, 22 Jan 2002 08:51:53 -0600
On the subject of features for the new rig I see no reason to have VHF/UHF
in a HF rig as you can only listen to one band at a time (unles you have
dual independent recieve) anyway. A lot of the all band hf/vhf/uhf rigs
compromise their performance on some bands. I would rather have a VERY good
HF rig and if I wanted to get on vhf/uhf get a seperate rig for those
bands.I would guess this will be the top of the line radio and see them put
ALL of their efforts in to making it the best HF rig out of TEN TEC yet.
Personal opinion only. 73 Paul k9ot