[TenTec] Orion?
Tue, 22 Jan 2002 10:21:31 EST
Hey, everyone is entitled to their opinion and I have learned you have to have a thick skin to hang around this reflector. I just don't agree with the opinion that TT has a ways to go.
I think TT came close to perfection with the Jupiter. I have used in it two contests now and frankly, can't think of a better radio for contesting and I have owned an Omni 6+ in the past. The Omni is one fine radio and I miss it,
but the DSP, PBT and audio quality on the Jupiter is fantastic.
The ONLY changes I would like to see in the Jupiter are these:
First, I think this one can be easily added via firmware. I would like a menu option that allows you to pre-set the power level of the tune function. In other words, if I have the power setting at 100% for normal voice operation, and
I want to change bands and have my LDG autotune the antenna for that band, I would like press of the tune button to take the power to 20 watts or whatever. I think that is an easy addition via firmware.
Second issue, when using SSTV mode, I can either set the audio input for front (mic connector) or back but can't choose both. SSTV requires constant use of both mic and aux audio input so working SSTV with this mode is a pain unless you use the mic input for everything.
Those are very minor issues.
But your comments about being able to tune out any interference are right on. During the PSK31 contest this weekend, I could work anyone I could hear and eliminate adjacent interferening stations with ease.
The only other TT rig I used that had the audio quality of the Jupiter was the Triton IV. Even my XYL commented on how well it sounded and she is not a radio buff at all.
In fact, I was thinking about buying another Jupiter and leave one set up for voice and CW, and the other for Data. But that is a financial luxury that will have to wait.
Duffy - WB8NUT
> From: Jerry Harley <wa2tti@worldlynx.net>
> Date: 2002/01/22 Tue AM 08:59:14 EST
> To: nospam <duffyb01@fuse.net>
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Orion?
> I took issue with that statement also. Don't listen to a few quack
> comments from people who don't even own the radio. Mine is one of the
> first, if not the first on the air. There is not another radio out
> there for $1200 that can beat the Jupiter. Hands down the easiest radio
> to operate. I can eliminate QRM is 3 seconds; band width, PBT, NR and
> don't forget RF gain. I'll match it against anything and I probably
> have. Jerry
> PS No it is not a super contest radio, close, you have to buy an
> Omni/Orion for that
> "J. Duffy Beischel" wrote:
> >
> > As a Jupiter user, all I can say is that I am absolutely thrilled with the
radio. I only have a
> > few minor issues but consider the radio to be one of the finest I have ever
owned, and I
> > have had a number of radios over the years.
> >
> > JMHO - Duffy - WB8NUT
> > >There are design issues that need a thorough work out, the CW speed limit
> > >on the OMNI VI+ is also a source of the "chirp " that some to many have
> > >noted in other forums....
> > >
> > >It will be especially important the those writing reviews of this new
> > >have a basic idea of what to look for and test for, some discussion is
> > >definitely needed.
> > >
> > >Larry
> > >VA3LK