[TenTec] New 60 mtr band
Ron Notarius WN3VAW
Tue, 16 Jul 2002 20:38:26 -0400
Wait a minute... Ten Tec is being given a "black eye" for product support
for not, at this time, offering a mod for an older radio to retrofit it for
a band which we MAY get in a few months or years but may never get at all?
You're kidding me, right?
Naturally, one would then assume that you're going to hold Kenwood, ICOM,
Yaesu, Drake, Alinco, Elecraft, Ramsey, MFJ, Tokyo Hi Power, JRC/Panasonic,
and everyone else who's made an HF amateur transceiver in the last 20 years
to the same high standard, right?
Please. Let's be somewhat realistic, shall we? Let's worry about 60 meters
IF AND WHEN the FCC gives approval. Expecting a re-engineering of a long
out of production transceiver is not realistic.
73, ron wn3vaw
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----- Original Message -----
From: <KD7EFQ@aol.com>
To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 7:47 PM
Subject: [TenTec] New 60 mtr band
As many of you are aware, the rumor is we are supposed to be getting a new
band, 60 mtrs ( 5.25-5.4mhz). We also know that the latest and greatest new
rig, the ORION is becoming available. However, unlike many of you who have a
6 figure income or better, (and can afford a new kilobuck rig every time
out with one) Many of us ( like myself ) cannot afford to, and are going to
to stick with our now outdated (hi hi) OMNI 6 & 6+ rigs. Now's the kicker, I
Ten Tec if they were going to offer a 60mtr upgrade for the 6+ and the reply
"we have no plans to." A black eye to Ten Tec's Reputation of product
Maybe if there's enough interest shown by us OMNI users, maybe they will re-
consider. I also spoke to the people at INRAD, and they at least said they
look into it, although it won't be an easy mod. Just some food for thought.
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