[TenTec] New 60 mtr band
Ariel M. Elam
Tue, 16 Jul 2002 22:56:53 -0500
Hi Ron -- No, SOME others of us are not holding any of the manufacturers
to any standard other than other than the published specs. I believe
that 60 mHz is not included in any of these specs.
Although I have not tried it, and mine was modified before I got it, I
believe my Drake TR-7 will go there with the turn of 2 knobs.
Also, does anyone have a pair of ARC-5 or BC-45? transmitters and
receivers? They covered that freq., right out of the surplus bin.
Ten-Tec forever!!
73, Ariel, K4AAL
Ron Notarius WN3VAW wrote:
> Wait a minute... Ten Tec is being given a "black eye" for product support
> for not, at this time, offering a mod for an older radio to retrofit it for
> a band which we MAY get in a few months or years but may never get at all?
> You're kidding me, right?
> Naturally, one would then assume that you're going to hold Kenwood, ICOM,
> Yaesu, Drake, Alinco, Elecraft, Ramsey, MFJ, Tokyo Hi Power, JRC/Panasonic,
> and everyone else who's made an HF amateur transceiver in the last 20 years
> to the same high standard, right?
> Please. Let's be somewhat realistic, shall we? Let's worry about 60 meters
> IF AND WHEN the FCC gives approval. Expecting a re-engineering of a long
> out of production transceiver is not realistic.
> 73, ron wn3vaw
> "And they give you cash,
> which is just as good as money!"
> Yogi Berra, AFLAC Commercial, 2002
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <KD7EFQ@aol.com>
> To: <tentec@contesting.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 7:47 PM
> Subject: [TenTec] New 60 mtr band
> As many of you are aware, the rumor is we are supposed to be getting a new
> band, 60 mtrs ( 5.25-5.4mhz). We also know that the latest and greatest new
> rig, the ORION is becoming available. However, unlike many of you who have a
> 6 figure income or better, (and can afford a new kilobuck rig every time
> they
> come
> out with one) Many of us ( like myself ) cannot afford to, and are going to
> have
> to stick with our now outdated (hi hi) OMNI 6 & 6+ rigs. Now's the kicker, I
> asked
> Ten Tec if they were going to offer a 60mtr upgrade for the 6+ and the reply
> was
> "we have no plans to." A black eye to Ten Tec's Reputation of product
> support??
> Maybe if there's enough interest shown by us OMNI users, maybe they will re-
> consider. I also spoke to the people at INRAD, and they at least said they
> would
> look into it, although it won't be an easy mod. Just some food for thought.
> 73"s
> Todd KD7EFQ
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