[TenTec] New 60 mtr band
Ten-Tec Inc. Amateur Radio Sales
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 09:41:25 -0400
At 07:47 PM 7/16/02 -0400, you wrote:
>As many of you are aware, the rumor is we are supposed to be getting a new
>band, 60 mtrs ( 5.25-5.4mhz). We also know that the latest and greatest new
>rig, the ORION is becoming available. However, unlike many of you who have a
>6 figure income or better, (and can afford a new kilobuck rig every time they
>out with one) Many of us ( like myself ) cannot afford to, and are going to
>to stick with our now outdated (hi hi) OMNI 6 & 6+ rigs. Now's the kicker, I
>Ten Tec if they were going to offer a 60mtr upgrade for the 6+ and the reply
>"we have no plans to." A black eye to Ten Tec's Reputation of product
That's not correct - that is a misinterpretation of what we have been
saying regarding the possibility of a new allocation at 60 meters and
our older transceivers being adapted to use there.
"We have no plans" to look into this issue until the band is allocated.
There is no sense in us expending engineering time to investigate this
until we know if or when the band will be allocated. The last time
HF allocations were released, from WARC-79, it took four years
for 10 MHz to be opened for use, six years for 24 MHz, and
TEN years for 18 MHz from the time the band was proposed.
When the FCC has said "On X date, amateur radio will have a new
allocation opened at 5 MHz", we will look into what might be
required to adapt older Ten-Tec HF rigs to the new band. Until then:
"We have no plans"
Scott Robbins, W4PA
Ten-Tec, Inc., 1185 Dolly Parton Pkwy, Sevierville, TN 37862 USA
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