[TenTec] Pegasus

John L Merrill jmerrill1@adelphia.net
Sat, 27 Jul 2002 14:48:26 -0400

I have had this error, too. As I recall, you can do a flash upgrade and
select ignore errors.  Can't give you any help on the tuner. Mine is

John N1JM

-----Original Message-----
From: tentec-admin@contesting.com [mailto:tentec-admin@contesting.com]On
Behalf Of Ernest Mills
Sent: Saturday, July 27, 2002 2:35 PM
To: tentec@contesting.com
Subject: [TenTec] Pegasus

Hi Ya'll,
    I need help on a couple of things with the Pegasus. Cant find email tech
help on tt site.

    First off, I want to FLASH the firmware to 1.19 as mine is still at
1.17b1  Prob;em is I follow the eight step procedure in the help file. ie
turn off xcvr, connect pc, turn on xcvr, start update program (new download
from tt), select COM port (2 in my case) click UPDATE, selected the
550V1190.RUF file (loader is ver 1.026) and get an error message
"...communication with Radio failed ...."
    I rebooted the computer, switched the rig off/on again and still get
this message. Anybody got any ideas fer me? :)

    Secondly, I have used the PT-11 internal tuner since last November but
not on 80 meters.  When I try and do an auto tune on 80, although it seems
to go through it's thing, when I transmit the ALC led comes on at about 10w
Forward, 4 watts rev, as measured on the CN-801 power/SWR meter. If I use
the MFJ Versa tuner using the meter on it, I can tune normally and run the
rig with about 50w with 1.5 reflected. Again any ideas would be really

    Ernie WM2U

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