[TenTec] N1MM Logger
Thu, 6 Jun 2002 12:40:07 -0700 (PDT)
What I was actually referring to as inappropriate was
KE4TEG's comment "If your going to be cheap and use
shareware . . ."
For general purpose logging, I've purchased two big
$$$ commercial logging programs, but actually prefer
to use K4CY's freeware "Logger" software. It's not
because I'm cheap, it's because I prefer the interface
and find it easier to use and full-featured.
DXTelnet is another fantastic piece of software and
yes, it is dreaded "SHAREWARE." I think I paid the
author about $30 or so, not because I'm cheap, because
it is very well supported and - I like the interface
and find it easy to use and full-featured.
Barry N1EU
--- KE4TEG <ke4teg@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> Hello Barry,
> Inappropriate, I think one needs to go back and read
> all the posting from
> the beginning before one starts ASSuming. I will
> first state that I am
> sorry for calling it shareware and not "Open Source
> Software". I only used
> the term that Brian used, "Shareware" again sorry.
> Now for the complete details, nowhere did I put down
> anyones software.
> Nowhere did I put anybody down. Nowhere did I
> complain about N1MM's logger.
> All I said was that if it did not have what Brian
> wanted, then he should
> look elsewhere like maybe LOGic 6.0. And yes there
> are of course others
> such as Log-EQF or DX4WIN (just naming 2 more and
> NOT all of them). I did
> not even say it was lacking anything, Brian did (no
> Ten-Tec Rig Control). I
> made no mention of features or lack there of. That
> says nothing about
> N1MM's efforts or his software. I never typed a word
> of not respecting his
> work or his efforts.
> In the future please do not put words in my posts
> that are not there.
> Please do not read any tone into them, the posts are
> only typed word
> E-mails. All of us have "pet" products, especially
> if we are Ten-Tec Fans.
> I actually think it might make us worse about "pet"
> products if we enjoy
> and appreciate Ten-Tec Rigs. But that does not make
> one product better then
> another or the right product for another Ham.
> I really like the WR9R logging program and its ease
> of use. It just doesn't
> do everything I want it to do or in the way I want
> it done, so I do not use
> it. That doesn't mean its bad. That does not mean
> its not perfect for the
> next Ham.
> Anyway, hope to hear all these Ten-Tec rigs on the
> air for Field Day.
> 73,
> Keith de KE4TEG
> At 10:32 AM 06/06/2002 -0700, N1EU wrote:
> >N1MM Logger is open source software, not shareware.
> >KE4TEG's comments were a bit inappropriate. The
> >efforts of N1MM and the rest of the programmers
> have
> >certainly earned a hell of a lot of respect from
> this
> >contester. I just wish my paid-for WriteLog had
> all
> >the features offered in N1MM Logger, esp. the
> >extensive 2-vfo support.
> >
> >73,
> >Barry N1EU
> >
> >
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