[TenTec] RX340 questions
Mark Erbaugh
Sun, 23 Jun 2002 16:21:22 -0400
I'm adjusting to a new RX340.
Does anyone know if the drag can be adjusted on the main tuning knob? =
The knob has a skirt, and looks identical to the knob on my 302 tuning =
pod, but I can't seem to move it relative to the main knob.
There are several audio outputs available on the back panel J8. I =
finally found a pinout in one drawing (figure 3-4 on page 3-5), but =
nowhere else in the text. There is a mono (pin 2) out and ground (pin =
1). I assume that this is the "normal" unbalanced audio (line out). =
There are also balanced outputs (Line A- A CT, and Line A+, Line B-, B =
CT and Line B+). I understand the - and + and assume that the CT means =
center tap. Can these outputs be connected to an unbalanced input, such =
as a computer sound card or a pair of amplified speakers? There is a DC =
coupled audio. What does that mean? What would that be used for? Lastly, =
are the grounds on pins 1 and 9 of J8 the same?
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