[TenTec] mikes smikes
Bill Steffey
Fri, 01 Mar 2002 10:26:49 -0600
I'll bet the Drake had a lot more low frequency response, you know the kind
of bass response that makes you sound like you're in person. You know the
bass response that carries little of the "information " needed for
articulation.and intellegence. So if you want great audio use a flat
dynamic or electret... if you want to boost articulation get a mike
(electret or ceramic) with a rising or peaking hi freq response .
That is just what Bob Heil did. Look at the freq response of a Shure 444 ,
and the Heil elements.... very similiar.
Bob didn't invent the good mic ; he figured out how to sell a mic with an
appropriate frequency response to hams.
Check out the Shure web site and what the freq responses look like on the
450 / 526 and others, then buy a replacement element and roll your own. Buy
enough elements, and maybe Shure will discover they could sell a few
thousand mikes. Shure would have to make a new design that looks like
something newer than the 50s or 60s...
My good friends at Shure Bros just didn't care about the ham market, too
small I guess.
For Bob it's a great market !!!
At 12:56 PM 3/1/02, Ronald Hands wrote:
> There seems to have been a fair bit of discussion about microphones
> lately, which leads me to ask: is there any consensus on a particularly
> good desk mike for the Corsair II?
> I've had my Corsair for three or four years, but use it mainly for CW
> so I haven't bothered about microphones. However, I've recently had
> occasion to crank it up on SSB a bit more often and have been testing
> different microphones -- and growing more confused by the minute.
> Did a test the other night between a Shure 444 and a Drake hand
> mike. Everybody said the 444 was best. Then I did a test today with a
> friend who knows my voice. Used three mikes: the 444, the Drake and a
> TenTec 701 hand mike. The verdict was that the Drake was far superior,
> the 444 came second and the Ten Tec was a distant third.
> Obviously I need more choices. Any recommendations?
>-- Ron VE3SP
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