[TenTec] re: weird postings virus?

Mike Hyder -N4NT- N4NT@chartertn.net
Sun, 12 May 2002 22:50:56 -0400

And, as important as keeping virus definitions up to date is going to the
Windows Update site regularly!!!!!!

By the way, IE6/Outlook Express 6 are not succeptible to that klez thing,
I'm told.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Lowman" <jmlowman@directvinternet.com>
To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2002 8:14 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] re: weird postings virus?

> Gang,
> Yes, Klez and other viruses are running rampant.  I've seen many messages
> bounced to me on this and the other mailing lists that I administer, as
> well is in my personal mail.  Generally the indication is a message with
> no body and either an odd or sometimes catchy subject line; something that
> one might think was being sent by a friend.  I've recently seen several
> messages arrive in my inbox from friends, or from the ARRL forwarding
> service, because their (the friend's, that is) computer is infected and
> I'm in their address book.
> Don't be concerned about these viruses being propagated by the list.
> There are many defenses against them; specifically StripMime, which
> removes HTML and attachments.  Thus, the empty body of the message.
> Also, unless a member of this list is infected, most will be bounced to
> me as non-member submissions, and they go straight to the bitbucket.
> So, users of the popular Microsoft products, specifically Outlook and
> Outlook Express, beware.  Get and use Norton Anti-Virus or another
> proven virus scanning-and-removal software product, and keep your virus
> definitions up to date.
> 73 de Jim - AD6CW
> Tentec@contesting.com Listadmin
> HGLENT wrote:
> >
> > I think what you are talking about is a worm called  KLEZ.E
> >
> > It has infected a group I belong too on Yahoo.  It is nasty.  Our group
> > has been work about a month trying to get rid of it...
> >
> > I suggest all on this reflector go to a search engine and look for
> > "KLEZ.E" Get a fix and do it.  I found several fixes.  I searched using
> > google.com and found a Symantec/Norton tool that helped me.
> >
> > I hope this does not get started on this reflector.  It is hard to get
> > rid of.
> >
> > Paul K.
> > WA0BAG