[TenTec] Re: Orion Concern
Sun, 19 May 2002 19:06:02 EDT
> A lot of hams seem to think that a rig is high quality if the tuning knobis
> a 5 lb hunk of metal that you can spin. I've never understood that.
>There are times when I feel like I have the Only Ten-Tecs with perfectly
weighted >tuning knobs. The amount of spin and weight on my Omni Six,
RX-340and >Pegasus remote knobs seem ideal to me and there is no evidence of
anyslippage, >play, wobble, or non-concentricity.-Paul, W9AC
Hey, guys, what is going on?
The "knob syndrome" and "color of the Orion screen" seem to be the biggest
issues some of us face. To me it is like someone buying a Ford and then
complaining that it doesn't look like a Chevy. Make sense to anyone?
Sometimes I feel like Bob Newhart in his older TV series; "Am I the last sane
man in an insane world?"
Maybe I expect too much from my fellow/gal hams. Has anyone read the Amateur
Radio Code recently? Trust me; it wasn't this way most of the time I've been
a ham (since 1953.) What are we hams becoming? If someone doesn't want a TT,
modify what is available, buy something else, or homebrew. Anyone ever read
the story about the farm boy who simply couldn't afford a thing, so he built
his entire rig -- even to the point of making his own vacuum tubes and
building an air extractor for them?
Raymond, W5VPU
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