[TenTec] Re: Orion Concern

Ed Tanton n4xy@earthlink.net
Mon, 20 May 2002 01:19:57 -0400

No Raymond... you miss the point entirely. To continue your analogy: it
is like paying a Lincoln price-and getting mostly Lincoln stuff, but
learning it has a 4 cylinder 2 cycle engine in it, and 13 inch wheels
and narrow little tires. To put a 320 x 240 monochrome screen into
anything in this day and age-much less something
'top-of-the-line'-reflects very poor judgement of the market's overall
considered-requirements; the technical expertise and sophistication of
the competition; and-in general-raises the question (in my mind) whether
or not 'they' believe that just because it is Ten-Tec they do not have
to at least compete-if not excel. Another company that did exactly this
kind of thing comes to mind through all this: Heathkit. Remember them.
Seen a new one lately?

It's hard enough to sell a $3300 rig these days... and putting as
backwards a screen as this for the first thing you see when looking at
one, on the front panel of their best transceiver, is one of the worst
moves I've ever seen.

These are only two points, amongst many much more important factors...
but my 1st thought upon seeing that display-having seen some of the
other ones available for less $$$-would be: if they scrimped on this,
then what else is not up to par technically and ergonomically.

And whether it sounds like it or not, I dearly love Ten-Tec and
Ten-Tecs... but if I had the bucks to spare tomorrow, I wouldn't
remotely consider it. 

73  Ed Tanton  N4XY  <n4xy@earthlink.net>

Ed Tanton  N4XY
189 Pioneer Trail
Marietta, GA  30068-3466

website:   http://www.n4xy.com

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