[TenTec] any real live reports yet?
Tue, 28 May 2002 12:58:47 -0400
Hello Jeff,
You say you upgraded. Upgraded to what? Other then going to High-end Hi-FI
audio headphones (Sennheiser HD600 Audiophile / Professional Headphone as
an example), what is there? And is the use of them warranted due to the
audio range of the human voice and the audio response of Amateur Rigs? I am
not a super Dxer, but I do enjoy working weak signal VHF DX. Why would I
want to hear or be bothered by audio at 12KHz or above?
I am having trouble with my Heil on my 526, but have no complaints when
using it with the 555 Scout or Omni VI. The 526 is also not an audio or
punch problem, but rather somehow it causes the radio to loss its mind and
not transmit properly. Causing me to have to do a master reset and lose all
my programmed setting and frequencies. Ten-Tec is aware of the problem but
other then using another mic, they have no solution or plans to find one at
this time. Looks like I am on my own to find one, I am not giving up my
Heil headset.
And as far as the 526 goes, its a great little radio for the money. I only
have 3 complaints with the 526: 1) no built in CW keyer (they could have
easily included a Tick4 or way to install the kit) causing me to drag my
big Ten-Tec keyer/key with me instead of just my Bencher. 2) No interface
to program and save radio memory setting (all modern rigs should have this
option as a standard). 3) I wish it had 50 or 60 watts out instead of 20
(its hard to get a 6M amp that takes less the 50 watts of drive). The good
news is I now have a 6M amp that uses a 3CX800 that takes only 20 watts of
drive. The search is on for a 2M amp.
73 Keith
At 12:01 PM 05/28/2002 -0400, Jeff Peacock wrote:
>I used the Heil with my Omni V and Omni VI and it worked great. Lots of
>punch it was a real performer. Not so with the Jupiter. After talking to
>the guys at Ten tec they said they found the Heil just did not have that
>punch and the mic gain had to be turned up on the board inside the
>Jupiter. After doing this it did work better but not as good as with the
>Omni. The final straw for the Heil was it's lack of "ears" using there
>headphones. They just don't have the quality to hear everything the
>Jupiter is putting out so I upgraded to a higher quality headset.
>I'm not knocking Heil they have a good product, but with the Jupiter for
>my use which is strictly DX they just don't have what it takes to drive it.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Rich McCabe" <rich@1967z28.com>
>To: <tentec@contesting.com>
>Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 11:40 AM
>Subject: Re: [TenTec] any real live reports yet?
> > Maybe I missed something but what does the location of the gain knob have
> > do with microphone performance.
> >
> > I would be concerned if I had to run it at 100% because I would always be
> > wondering if I needed more.
> >
> > As long as the microphone has good tone qualities (and/or punchy for DX)
> > the optimum gain ends up at less than 100% the microphone is doing its
> >
> > Rich
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Jeff Peacock" <ve3ios@servers.ca>
> > To: "James C. Owen, III" <k4cgy_list@yahoo.com>; <martins160@excite.com>;
> > <tentec@contesting.com>
> > Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 10:27 AM
> > Subject: Re: [TenTec] any real live reports yet?
> >
> >
> > > It may have enough gain for casual radio operation but not enough output
> > to
> > > break a pile up. I run my D 104 at 63%. Running the Heil at 75% tells me
> > > it's just not doing the job. Why not run it wide open?
> > > Jeff
> > > ve3ios
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From: "James C. Owen, III" <k4cgy_list@yahoo.com>
> > > To: "Jeff Peacock" <ve3ios@servers.ca>; <martins160@excite.com>;
> > > <tentec@contesting.com>
> > > Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 10:44 AM
> > > Subject: Re: [TenTec] any real live reports yet?
> > >
> > >
> > > > Hi Jeff,
> > > > Please explain what your problem with the Heil is. I have a
> > > > Heil headset and it works just fine with the Jupiter. I have to
> > > > turn the mic gain up a little, 75% vs 50% for the D-104, but it
> > > > works just fine. In fact it's better than with the Corsair II in
> > > > which I have to use an external pre-amp to get enough gain.
> > > >
> > > > 73 Jim K4CGY
> > > > --- Jeff Peacock <ve3ios@servers.ca> wrote:
> > > > > Well I hope that Ten tec does not have there mic input setup
> > > > > like the
> > > > > Jupiter and expect every contester to throw there Heil headsets
> > > > > in the
> > > > > garbage and buy ten tec mikes.
> > > > > The Orion should be plug and play with any mike/headset without
> > > > > having to go
> > > > > inside and make adjustments.
> > > > > Jeff
> > > > > ve3ios
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