[TenTec] Re: TWINCOM feedline?

Stuart Rohre rohre@arlut.utexas.edu
Fri, 18 Oct 2002 15:29:36 -0500

A method of helping a bad cable TV installation, (which is a violation and
could be reported to FCC if cable company does not fix it), is to use a back
to back set of baluns, so as to filter the cable TV connection from
propagating common mode current induced in the home.  The 300 ohm to 75 ohm
TV coax baluns can be connected with the 300 ohm sides together, and then
coax to the cable supplier and to the TV as before.  That should break up RF
getting to the Cable users down the street along the outside of the shield.

Now, the ham must be sure his rig is clean, and use of the low pass filter
is advised at powers that cause TV problems.  The ARRL can show ham rigs
operating at full power next to TV sets without causing any RFI.  It just
takes careful implementation of installations.
73, Stuart K5KVH