[TenTec] Re: TWINCOM feedline?
Fri, 18 Oct 2002 18:23:43 -0400
At 03:29 PM 10/18/2002 -0500, K5KVH wrote:
>A method of helping a bad cable TV installation is to use a back
>to back set of baluns, so as to filter the cable TV connection from
>propagating common mode current induced in the home. The 300 ohm to 75 ohm
>TV coax baluns can be connected with the 300 ohm sides together, and then
>coax to the cable supplier and to the TV as before.
NOTE: This really only works for "common mode" RF on the coax but if the
problem is common mode current it works fantastic.
If the problem comes as differential mode (that's the way we all think coax
is supposed to work) the back to back baluns don't do much at all.