[TenTec] An inexpensive home-brew "Orion" using an RX-320

Jack Bryant ke4id@bellsouth.net
Sun, 20 Oct 2002 16:47:45 -0500

> Good day to all on the site.
> Here is an idea you may want to try if you have a Corsair, Corsair 2,
> or
> one of the Omni A, C or D units and want to experiment with IF DSP
> using an RX-320.
> -Pull the 9 MHz signal after the crystal filter, preferably after the
> first IF amp in the older OMNIs or after the pass-band tuning board in
> the Corsairs.  You probably want to put a series capacitor in so you
> won't load down the IF; e.g. 100 pf = 177 ohms at 9 MHz.
> -Feed this signal into the RX-320, using a piece of RG-174U and a
> PL259.
> -Tune the RX-320 to around 9 MHZ.  You can go up or down a bit in
> frequency to center the signal.
> -Leave the RX-320 on this frequency and set the desired DSP bandwidth.
> -If the signal is too strong for the RX-320, you may want to try a
> simple resistive attenuator after the capacitor mentioned above, or
> try
> a smaller value capacitor.
> Disadvantages:
> -The RX-320 is an older unit and lacks the horse power of more modern
> DSP chips.
> -No notch filter.
> -The AGC may not meet your preferences.
> -The RF (IF) gain won't work on the main radio, but you can still use
> the attenuator in the main radio.
> -If you transmit on the transceiver, you will need to put in a relay
> to
> break the audio connection in the RX-320 when transmitting.
> Advantages:
> -Mainly a fun experiment to try.
> This approach is very much like the Q5er radio using an old ARC-5
> receiver (how many people remember that!)
> 73,
> Jack Bryant, KE4ID