[TenTec] F/S Tentec Corsair I and 252G p.s.

k7gt@attbi.com k7gt@attbi.com
Mon, 21 Oct 2002 22:12:15 +0000

Greetings classic Tentec lovers!

I have for sale my Tentec Corsair I and a 252G power
supply.  The rig has the full complement of filters and plays
very well. It is a 9+ mechanically, 10- electrically (whatever
that means...I know of no electrical problems with it!)

I am asking $450 shipped for the package. More for east
coast US/AK/HI. Less if picked up in SFBay area of CA.

A trade deal is possible if it includes one of the following:

TT 238 tuner

TT Hercules II amp

TT Centurion amp.

Schurr paddle

I would also trade the Corsair I and an OmniV for an 
upgraded OmniVI.

73  GT

Allan  K7GT

Pleasanton CA