[TenTec] Re: Argonaut Review
Mike Siegel
Thu, 24 Oct 2002 05:44:47 -0700
So I've seen this long, drawn-out debate over the merits of the only =
single review openly posted anywhere. ENOUGH!!
If you don't like the review, POST YOUR OWN. Tearing down someone else's =
review doesn't necessarily make them wrong, or you right. And it adds =
nothing to the rest of us that are still waiting for intelligent =
comments about the rig itself.
In the meantime, for those of us that don't hang out on e-ham, or Yahoo =
chat rooms, or the like, I've yet to see any review posts right here on =
the T-T reflector. And aren't we reading here for a reason?=20
I don't care if it's a first impression or a complete lab teardown - I =
would like to see some posts from the folks that actually have their =
Argo-V in hand and online...
Thanks for reading my rants...
Mike KI6PR
El Rancho R.F., CA
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