[TenTec] Power Power Power - revisited..

AC5E@aol.com AC5E@aol.com
Fri, 25 Oct 2002 16:24:09 EDT

Stuart:  Walt is perfectly correct as long as we are talking about TUBE 
circuits. Tubes represent a severe mismatch to reflected RF, with only the 
essentially trivial losses in the tank circuit keeping that impedance from 
being infinite in all respects. So for TUBE circuits most reflected power is 
actually re-reflected. 

Class A, AB, and B transistors are another situation entirely. Somewhere I 
have an elementary book on transistors that represents them as a variable 
resistor with a motor on a slider for the base. The point being that while a 
"vacuum valve" is a one way device whose current is controlled by it's grid 
to cathode potential,  a transistor is essentially a variable resistor with 
its resistance controlled by base current. At RF of course, that is a fast 

Within the limits of the text, this explanation is correct. Even when the 
transistor is cut off, some current flows. If the circuit is full conduction 
the reverse impedance, for lack of a better term, is very low; there is a 
severe mismatch at the device output, and most reflected power is 
re-reflected. If the device is as completely cut off as transistors ever get, 
the same conditions and re-reflection apply.

    BUT for most of a cycle a transistor output stage is in some state of 
conduction. So the amount of reflected power that is re-reflected varies 
according to the state of the conductive state of the output transistors. 

The amount of re-reflected power depends on the relative phase of the 
reflected wave and the conditions in the output stage,  and range from almost 
total to none. 

This situation sneaked up on many hi-fi audio designers when germanium power 
outputs first came out. Some speakers generated enough back EMF, the audio 
analog of SWR, to drive the outputs into conduction, leading to transistor 
failures. One combination that comes to mind was several of the early H.H 
Scott amps driving the AR3. Transistors didn't last long even when volume 
levels were kept to a restrained level.  

73  Pete Allen  AC5E