[TenTec] Vertical Ant. Question / Suggestion
Ron Notarius WN3VAW
Mon, 2 Sep 2002 13:14:07 -0400
While Jim has a very valid point, one must remember that while most
verticals are 1/4 verticals (with or without traps, tuning stubs, or other
multi-band tuning methods), not all are.
Theoretically, a half-wave vertical (be it a center fed vertical dipole or
an end fed one) should not need (ie require) radials to work. However, I
remember many, many moons ago bouncing this question off of Don W0DN, the
inventor of the Butternut HF#V verticals (and at the time owner of
Butternut) -- it was regarding Cushcraft's claims on the then-new R3
antenna -- and his response was to the effect that any end-fed vertical,
even ones at 1/2 or full wavelengths, would perform better with radials or
counterpoise at the base. While I don't recall all of his reasoning (and I
think I still have the letter somewhere buried in the shack), I do recall
that shortly after, I did some experimenting with a borrowed R3 and found
this to be true.
73, ron wn3vaw
When asked "If you had been in President Clinton's place, would you have
Republican Member of the House of Representatives Dick Armey replied:
"If I were in the President's place, I would not have gotten a chance to
resign. I would be laying in a pool of my own blood, hearing Mrs. Armey
standing over me saying, "How do I reload this damn thing?"
----- Original Message -----
From: Jim FitzSimons <cherry@getnet.net>
To: TenTec Post to List <TenTec@contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Vertical Ant. Question / Suggestion
There are verticals that do not need radials. I use a GAP Titan. It works
80M to 10M with no radials. I use my wire on 160M and 80M. The GAP
Titan has a very narrow bandwidth on 80M.
The Force 12 Sigma-5 is a very efficient vertical that works from 20M to
10M without any radials.
Both the Force 12 verticals and the GAP are vertical dipoles.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bwana Bob" <wb2vuf@gti.net>
To: "Gordon Saunders" <kw4cz@triad.rr.com>
Cc: "TenTec Post to List" <TenTec@contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 18:57 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Vertical Ant. Question / Suggestion
> Gordon:
> There are a number of decent verticals on the market, but they are only
> as good as the radials or ground plane under them. However, you don't
> really need 120 radials as some of the purists may say. The law of
> diminishing returns kicks in at around 30 radials.
> I recently replaced my G5RV antenna with 2 antennas: One is an 80 meter
> 1/4 wave inverted "L" which is about 16 feet high and runs 50 feet from
> the house to a tree. The other is a vertical loop cut for 40 meters. The
> bottom of the loop runs along my fence at about 8 feet high. Length to a
> tree is again about 50 feet. It is fed with a short piece of 450 ohm
> line to a 4:1 balun. With a tuner it performs well on all bands 40
> meters and above.
> Once the copper wire tarnishes it turns brown and is virtually
> invisible. Not so with verticals unless you disguise or paint them.
> 73,
> Bob WB2VUF
> Gordon Saunders wrote:
> >
> > Greetings Ten-Tec'ers,
> >
> > My ol' G5RV finally came down in the last storm through here ... served
> > well it did.
> > Thinking of putting up a Vertical to try my luck there. Working on
> > Award .. Hi Hi
> >
> > Requirements:
> >
> > Stealth ... all the usual stuff my neighborhood seems to think is the
> >
> > Mostly 20 meter work ... 14.336 .. county hunters
> >
> > Low cost ... son in NC State University .. you know the story there.
> >
> > Suggestions ??
> > I'm running a Omni D 100 watts
> > Out of the box type that have worked well for you.
> > Home-brew is highly possible .. leads to that route?
> >
> > Thanks for your time and help
> >
> > Gordon Saunders KW4CZ
> > Greensboro, NC
> >
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