[TenTec] Vertical Ant. Question / Suggestion
Jim FitzSimons
Jim FitzSimons" <cherry@getnet.net
Mon, 2 Sep 2002 10:54:20 -0700
Both the the GAP and Force 12 are center feed vertical dipoles and
there is no way to attach a ground plane. They both work better over
water or a very low loss ground. All antennas put out more power over a
lossless ground. The antenna radition pattern is changed by the ground.
The GAP Titan has a good pattern with the base at 7 feet above the
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Notarius WN3VAW" <wn3vaw@fyi.net>
To: "Ten Tec Reflector" <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Vertical Ant. Question / Suggestion
> While Jim has a very valid point, one must remember that while most
> verticals are 1/4 verticals (with or without traps, tuning stubs, or other
> multi-band tuning methods), not all are.
> Theoretically, a half-wave vertical (be it a center fed vertical dipole or
> an end fed one) should not need (ie require) radials to work. However, I
> remember many, many moons ago bouncing this question off of Don W0DN, the
> inventor of the Butternut HF#V verticals (and at the time owner of
> Butternut) -- it was regarding Cushcraft's claims on the then-new R3
> antenna -- and his response was to the effect that any end-fed vertical,
> even ones at 1/2 or full wavelengths, would perform better with radials or
> counterpoise at the base. While I don't recall all of his reasoning (and
> think I still have the letter somewhere buried in the shack), I do recall
> that shortly after, I did some experimenting with a borrowed R3 and found
> this to be true.
> 73, ron wn3vaw