[TenTec] 563 vs 564
Robert & Linda McGraw K4TAX
Sat, 14 Sep 2002 21:36:06 -0500
I too complained about my Omni VI+ level of birdies on 10M. Thanks to the
good folks at Tentec, the Service Department listened to my needs and used
my well documented findings as to frequency, mode and level of the birdies
and FIXED ALL OF THEM. I use my Omni VI+ as the IF on 10M for my EME
activities. That will give any radio a workout on weak signals especially
when NF figures are concerned. Anything on 10M generated within the radio
at present is at least 6 dB below the noise floor using a terminated input
on the Omni VI+. Yes they may be heard in a couple of spots but ANY signal
steps on them. There's no zipper noise either.
As to surface mount parts, keep in mind that most, if not all resistors in
the SMD line are a standard 1% tolerance while typical axial lead resistors
are mostly 10% or 5% at best. Also, the "build accuracy" with SMD boards
are near 100% if not 100% in my experience. Hand stuffing components gets
nowhere close to 100% so there's a much higher failure at test on the hand
stuffed boards and much higher failure of solder joints as well. Not so on
SMD boards.
I agree with the TCXO points. Solid as a rock (play on words) in my
experience. Also the repeatability of the TCXO coming on frequency is much
better than a crystal in an oven.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill KB9IV" <wmarvin@mnic.net>
To: "tenteccontestingcom" <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 14, 2002 12:21 PM
Subject: [TenTec] 563 vs 564
> Interesting and educational about the Omni 6 Opt3 and the 6+. I'm not
going to re-hash what's
> been posted. I am however going to give the merrits of owning the two
differnet xcvrs which I
> have owned or own now.
> First, the Omni Opt 3 is my prefered radio....why? The 6+ has way to many
10 meter birdies
> and encoder hash. Making 10 meters nearly useless for DX'ing. Everytime I
turn the knob
> on the 10 meter band it sounds like ripping a sheet of paper. The Opt 3
has very little
> of this problem although not perfect.
> SMD parts vs leaded parts. Well I prefer leaded parts. Larger value chip
caps are prone to
> failure and breakdown with time. I have 14 years factory repair experience
and leaded parts
> are more stable. SMD parts are more difficult to replace unless you have a
few years experience
> replacing them. Overall the Opt3 really shines for reliability over time.
> TCXO vs Crystal Oven. The 6+ has it over the Opt3. The Opt 3 doesn't
stabilize for a few
> minutes unless you leave the DC supply on all the time. TCXO has a cold
start stability over
> the Option 3 although a minor inconvience.
> I really like the Omni 6 series xcvr. Straight forward and no frills.
Albeit differences in
> the two models. I think the 6+ was a minor step backwards as to do with
performance. Just
> my 5 cents worth. Now.......how about the Orion?
> 73's Bill
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