[TenTec] Is the Orion Performance Table Correct?

Jim Reid jimr.reid at verizon.net
Thu Apr 17 16:44:27 EDT 2003

Subject: Is the Orion Performance Table Correct?


Your number for the K2 is 20 kHz signal spacing,  not the
5 kHz performance at the Ten Tec web site

"Third-order input intercept point: Preamp off
14 MHz +21.6 dBm" AT 20 kHz spacing of the intermodulating
strong signals.  Ten Tec listed test data was the ARRL's
5 kHz test data.

" Does anyone have an idea where the difference is? [Yes]Or
did I miss something obvious?"  [Yes]

You must read the accompanying fine print,  hi.

73,  Jim  KH7M

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