[TenTec] Remedy for Orion Fever

Dave Heil k8mn at earthlink.net
Tue Apr 22 21:37:03 EDT 2003

The only way known to cure Orion Fever is to have the UPS man drop off a
hefty box containing 30-some lbs. of live Orion virus.

The "Shock and Gnaw" commened after I gnawed open the box and raced to
the shack cradling the transceiver.  No, I didn't find the rig totally
intuitive but on this second day, I'm much better at finding the right
menu to accomplish what I want to do.

My expectations were exceeded when I heard 40m DX signals pop out of a
quiet background.  In listening to a pile of North American stations
calling just up from a relatively weak European, I could hear a number
of callers when I had the bandwidth set for 500 Hz.  They disappeared
when I narrowed the bw to 300 Hz and the DX easy to copy.  YV1NX was arm
chair copy on 160, despite the Thunderstorm QRN.

I find the increased performance between the Orion and the Omni VI
option 3 to be even more pronounced than the Omni VI and the Paragon.

I'm the fellow who bought the transceiver about which we saw K2WS's
forwarded comments concerning "bugs" a couple of weeks back. The Orion
arrived with the latest firmware patch and I note no "bugs".

For those of you awaiting the arrival of your new rig, your patience
will be rewarded with a superlative experience.


Dave Heil K8MN
Cameron, WV

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