[TenTec] Pegasus: No Output

Mark Erbaugh mark at microenh.com
Tue Apr 22 12:20:57 EDT 2003


Thanks for the answers. I'm convinced that the software and computer is
communicating properly with the Pegasus. I'm really tempted to say that
something is wrong with the Pegasus, but I find it hard to believe that you
would have the same problem with two separate units.  Carl's suggestion
about the 12v not getting to the PA would explain everything you've
mentioned, except that it seems an unlikely coincidence that both Pegasus'
would have the same problem.

Just a thought, did you verify that the 2nd Pegasus was actually a different
unit (different S/N)? Perhaps TT mistakenly returned your original one.


----- Original Message -----
From: <jeff at ke9v.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 7:09 AM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Pegasus: No Output

> Mark,
> The receiver does work just fine, on all bands. S-meter works too. All
> functions of the remote tuning pod and external keying paddles works.
> The ALC light never does come on. When switching to transmit, the
> green RX light goes off and the red TX light comes on. The receiver
> mutes and I hear the (CW) sidetone. The software also switches to
> "red" when in transmit.
> I have tried the original TenTec software and the N4PY software. The
> PC is a P3-866 running WinXP.
> I have tried turning the keying loop on and off as well as the
> transmit enable with no luck.
> I am using a 35amp Astron metered power supply. 13.8vdc measured. When
> switching from receive to transmit I see no change in power supply
> current. I connected the power supply to another rig (VHF/UHF) just to
> make sure there was no problem with the supply, and that worked fine.
> With the rig connected to a wattmeter and dummy load there is zero (as
> low as I can detect) output. The RF output on the Pegasus interface
> software says 100W when the power slider is all the way up, however,
> on the FWD meter selection in the software "0" is indicated.
> All of this tells me that there is a problem with the Peg, however, it
> just seems very strange that this is the 2nd straight unit from the
> factory with the exact same problem.
> Thanks es 73,
> Jeff, Ke9v
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mark Erbaugh" <mark at microenh.com>
> To: <tentec at contesting.com>
> Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 11:17 PM
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Pegasus: No Output
> Jeff,
> This is interesting. I have some questions that might help diagnose
> things.
> 1) Does the receiver work? Can you tune to a known frequency and hear
> what
> you expect to hear (i.e. WWV at 10 or 15 MHz)? Does the SMeter move
> during
> receive? Problems here might indicate a problem with the serial
> communications between the Pegasus and the computer.
> 2) Does the ALC LED come on in TUNE mode?
> 3) Are you attempting to transmit outside of the ham bands?
> 4) What control software are you using? What operating system and how
> fast
> is the computer?
> 5) Have you tried turning the keying loop on then back off and turning
> the
> TX off and back on?
> 73,
> Mark
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