Jim Reid jimr.reid at verizon.net
Mon Dec 15 11:02:05 EST 2003

> > OK, I would like some immediate input from Ten-Tec on this!
> > I have an ORION here , close to the 30 day evaluation timeout."

> My input on this:
> I have had my Orion since the middle of last May.  Used
> with a linear DAILY,  including the 10 meter CW contest
> just passed where 1500 watts out were run to my little
> C3 beam for hours.  

I should have also said that Rich,  K1CC was the guest op
here for some of the contest;  Rich "ran" pretty constantly 
on 28020, plus/minus just a little bit.  Was going at close to 
100 Q's per hour rate in the  afternoon, KH6 time --2300 to 
0200 UTC.  He did work K1ZZ,  Dave S. of the ARRL among
others,  wish could have stopped and gotten a "critical"
eval of the Orion CW signal from Dave,  but neither were
into ragchewing at the time,  hi.  Rig was using the 5mSec
rise/fall times for the CW signal;  seems just perfect!!

73,  Jim  KH7M

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