[TenTec] RE: Orion Expanded Report

John brazos at rochester.rr.com
Tue Dec 23 16:17:58 EST 2003

I know the Jupiter may not be a contest radio but where would the Jupiter
fall in among these radios ?    john
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Tippett" <btippett at alum.mit.edu>
To: "Tracy, Michael, KC1SX" <mtracy at arrl.org>; <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 12:27 PM
Subject: [TenTec] RE: Orion Expanded Report

> KC1SX wrote:
> >While I don't have time this week to check the whole list that Bill
> >posted, I looked at the 1 kHz data for the K2 and the Orion.  The figures
> >for the K2 should be 67 and 116 dB (both preamp on).  The worst case data
> >on the Orion is 84 dB for IMD (main rx, preamp off) and 118 dB for BDR
> >(preamp on).
>          Thanks for the clarification Michael.  This means what I
> originally posted 11 December was essentially correct (with the
> exception of the 1996 FT-1000MP spacing data).  I'm sure some
> disbelievers will find another point to argue with however.  ;-)
> http://dayton.akorn.net/pipermail/tentec/2003-December/040048.html
> >While I am on the general subject, the upcoming K2/KPA100 data will not
> >include any influence of the optional DSP unit, as that was not in the
> >radio tested.
>          Someone observed that the DSP may not make too much
> difference since it is at audio and not another IF stage.  Too bad
> you didn't include it since it would be interesting to know.
> >  When the band gets *really* crowded with S9+40 signals, are you
> > trying to pick out signals that don't even move the S meter?
>          Believe it or not Michael, yes I am!  A contest like the CQ 160
> CW or ARRL 160 is the most challenging environment for any receiver
> IMHO.  Local signals are stronger and DX signals are weaker than on
> any other band, and they are all crowded into 50 kHz.  In the past, I've
> always been plagued with IMD with every receiver I've ever used, and
> there are always "weak ones" that I have had to give up on.  I'm sure
> that will continue to be the case with Orion because each additional
> layer of weak signals always has yet another below it, but I suspect
> Orion will be hearing a weaker layer than the previous radios I've used.
>          Thank you again for your responses here to clear the fog.
> Again, I feel the ARRL Product Tests are one of the most valuable
> services ARRL provides.  This should help all manufacturers to start
> focusing on basic performance issues rather than the "whistles and
> bells" that seem to dominate their marketing and advertising (and
> unfortunately the minds of many hams these days).
>                                  73 & Merry Christmas!
>                                  Bill  W4ZV
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