[TenTec] Orion, headphones, clicks, and such

Grant Youngman nq5t at comcast.net
Mon Dec 29 18:04:55 EST 2003

So a pair of Koss PRO4AA headphones arrived today.  These have 
a 250 ohm impedance.

The discussions of higher Z is better seem to hold water.  I've 
noticed the following relatively dramatic improvements, compared to 
my unusal low Z monitor headset:

1.  The CW switching transient in the left headphone channel is 
significantly reduced -- still there, but no longer an issue as far as 
I'm concerned

2.  The steady high pitched digital switching "whine" that many 
observed early on with low Z phones is gone completely at normal 
listening levels.  If I crank THRESHOLD all the way up and then 
crank AF gain all the way up I can still barely hear it -- but that's not 
exactly normal operation :-)  I think I recall that T-T fixed this in 
newer production radios, so this may not have been something 
many of you experienced.

3.  High frequency background white noise that I always noticed with 
my old headset is completely gone (and the Koss is a MUCH better 
headset than the old one ... and a lot more comfortable in the 
bargain ...  so it isn't rolloff in the headset).

Probably just pointing out the obvious ....


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