[TenTec] No ALC cable to AMP?

WA3FIY wa3fiy at radioadv.com
Tue Dec 30 11:09:43 EST 2003

IF what is said below is true, then none of the named 
amplifiers is safe to use with any transciever!   Just imagine 
what might happen if the ALC cable became disconnected.   
Possible amplifier destruction regardless of what transceiver is 
being used.

I think there must be some misunderstanding about the 
protection function of the ALC line.  I don't believe any 
manufacturer would produce a product whose fault protection 
was the responsibility of some unknown other party.  Surely 
the amplifiers mentioned have adequate built-in safety 
protection without relying on the transceiver.

Regarding the use of ALC, I agree with the other posts here 
that setting the transmit power to the desired level is all 
that's needed.   It's worked very nicely here with my single 3-
500Z for over 15 years; one other advantage of Ten Tec's ALC 
stabilized adjustable power output since the Triton days!



On 30 Dec 2003 at 0:23, Adam Farson wrote:

> If the Orion is not fitted with an ALC input, it will not be safe to use it
> as an exciter for any of the popular Japanese solid-state amplifiers such as
> the Icom IC-2KL, IC-4KL or IC-PW1, the Yaesu FL-7000 or VL-1000, the JRC
> JRL-2000F or JRL-3000F or the Kenwood TL-933.
> All these amplifiers use the ALC line to reduce drive in the event that
> their protection subsystem detects an anomalous operating condition. The ALC
> line is thus the amp's first line of defence...............

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