[TenTec] dealer networks: AES NO value added

Jim Miller k4sqr at juno.com
Sat Feb 1 18:31:42 EST 2003

You are out of line with this post, especially the very last line, to the
Ten-Tec reflector.

Please refrain from similar posts to this news group.
Thank you,

Jim Miller, K4SQR

On Sat, 01 Feb 2003 18:02:30 -0500 Randy & Cara Randall
<crrandal at earthlink.net> writes:
> My father in law KB9VRY purchased a radio at AES to have it fail a 
> day 
> or two after recieving it.  A call to AES got him " We'll send it 
> back 
> to the manufacturer or you can."  How about a new radio and AES send 
> the 
> defective one back?  No way.  No new radio.  He nor I will ever buy 
> from 
> them again.  I buy all my stuff from our local ham store now.  They 
> give 
> you a 10 day exchange on defective equipment at least and I had 
> problems 
> with a Maha 777 PLUS and they exchanged it past the usual 10 day 
> period. 
>   AES die, die, DIE!
> > Randy AB9GO
> >
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