[TenTec] Orion, February 4

Cliff csegar at mindspring.com
Tue Feb 4 20:57:53 EST 2003

At 02:21 PM 2/4/2003 -1000, you wrote:
>I was not selected to beta test ONLY because
>I am about 4800 miles West of Sevierville,

Heck, I even stop in there every couple months and they won't give me one
to beta test! Maybe its cuz of the way I drool on the display units they
have set up next to the sales/show room. Actually I suppose its really due
to not spending much bucks while in the show room! The only new TT rigs
I've had were a couple of the T-Kits. Otherwise I have ended up with used.
And some of you think you are waiting a long time. I waited about 5 years
for my dream TT rig. I first heard about its possibility from an inside
leak. (Those don't happen just at Watergate!) I followed every rumor and
held off buying a comparable rig all that time because I had good
information it was continuing in spite of numerous set backs. When I
finally did get it (used) the performance wasn't up to what I expected. But
there is one thing that you can do with a TenTec rig that you can't do to
your YeaComWood - improve it and have it blessed by the factory. They will
even give you the design engineers email address if you think he would
help. Try that with another brand.


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