[TenTec] Corsair ON/OFF

James Duffer dufferjames at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 10 16:56:56 EDT 2003

>From: "Jim Reid" <jimr.reid at verizon.net>
>Reply-To: tentec at contesting.com
>To: <tentec at contesting.com>
>Subject: Re: [TenTec] Corsair ON/OFF
>Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 09:41:10 -1000
>We have contrasting opinions on the topic;  and I thank
>each of the many of you who have offered one both private
>and on the reflector.
> >From Paul, W8KC:
> > Been using the on/off switch on my Corsair almost daily for
> > 20 years!  That amounts to something like 7,300 cycles.  I
> > wonder how many operations the switches were designed
> > to withstand?  Somehow, I bet it's a lot more than 7,000.
>And factually,  from Duane,  N9DG:
> > It doesn't matter, but they both need to be "ON" in
> > order to turn the radio on. The power switch of the
> > Corsair is in series with the power switch of the 961.
> > Those switches are switching the 125VAC primary
> > voltage not the 13.8V DC...
>And from Jim,  N4AL comes this:
> > On/off switches on the Corsair II work like those on the Triton IV.
> > Someone at Ten Tec (probably Garland Jenkins) told me to leave
> > the rig switch for the Triton constantly on and use the PS switch.
> > The push-pull switch on the Triton will wear out sooner.
>Finally,  from Jerry,  K0CQ:
> > Its probably a better option to switch the power supply from
> > an external easily replaced switch such as on an outlet strip.
> > That cuts down on power supply and radio repair.
>And,  presumably,  he means that the push/pull switch on
>the Corsair is always left ON.
>So there you have a spread of advice on the topic.  Believe
>I will adopt Jerry's,  hi.
>Thanks again and 73,  Jim KH7M
>PS:  Now you see what I am left to do awaiting the return of
>my Orion!

Really Jim, that isn't that much of a spread.  All of those responses seem 
to be pretty similar.  There is agreement that the switches are designed to 
switch the primary AC, they must be on.  You didn't ask about using an 
external switch!.

I think the list did you good.  And that is what you want. Kudos to the 

73, Jim, wd4air

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