[TenTec] hp Z3801A Interface Unit

Jim Reid jimr.reid at verizon.net
Thu Jun 5 12:00:34 EDT 2003

> > > A simple breakout box to pass 2, 3, and 7 (for RS232)
> > > would be okay.

Ok,  Eric,  and thanks so much for spelling all the details
out clearly.  Helped me a lot,  and got me over my "funk".

Now busily preparing all this.  Yes,  I know the box could
be used alone;  just let it sit a few days until it decides
it knows where it is on the planet,  then out would come
the desired 10 MHz frequency standard.  But,  with the
PC connection,  I can also find out where I am, as well
as get the time,  hi.

Thanks again, and 73,  Jim  KH7M

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