[TenTec] hp Z3801A GPS Unit

Eric F. Richards efricha at dimensional.com
Sat Jun 7 15:51:03 EDT 2003

At 10:24 AM 6/7/2003 -1000, you wrote:
>Boy are those guys fast!  I ordered one with PS and antenna
>on Wednesday;  I think I phoned to Florida.
>It was delivered early Friday afternoon!
>I have my "breakout cable" prepared.  Found an old DB25
>cord with an M on one end and F on the other.  Just
>opened it,  and cut all the wires EXCEPT the
>2, 3, and 7 (for RS232) wires.  So only the TD, RD and signal
>ground go through.  I note these are exactly the same
>pins used for these signals on the hp RS422 connector.
>Can I just now connect them together,  or are they different
>voltage levels;  thus the need for the "interface" unit
>previously discussed??  Guess I don't understand what
>the interface system does,  unless it is a way to either
>rid or sum together the "other" signals from the hp rcvr.

I think the interface levels are different, and the proper
way of dealing with RS422 is with separate grounds for each

I don't know if it is necessary, however.

RS232 is very forgiving, so I doubt you'd do any harm in connecting
them, but... you may have to switch 2 and 3 to get a null-modem
connection.  As for the (B) lines mentioned in the diagram, I don't
know if they're necessary for RS422 or not.  That PDF I pointed you
to should let you know...  If nothing else, plug in a breakout box or
a bare DB25M into the clock and take measurements on the various pins
relative to pin 7.  Should let you know.


>However,  I have neither powered up the unit,  nor connected
>together pending either getting an interface unit or learning
>that the thought above is correct now that I have all else
>coming out the hp connector "blocked".
>73,  Jim  KH7M
>TenTec mailing list
>TenTec at contesting.com

Eric F. Richards
efricha at dimensional.com
"The weird part is that I can feel productive even when I'm doomed."
  - Dilbert

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