[TenTec] TenTec Delta II

Rusty Kirkpatrick w4iko at bellsouth.net
Sun Jun 15 18:38:01 EDT 2003

I am looking for a 2nd radio for my shack and after talking to a number of
hams I find that what I need is a Delta II. So I am looking for anyone who
has a TT Delta II and might be willing to part with the radio. I am not
looking for a radio that is a 10 cosmetically but is 9-10 operationally. I
am currently using a 580 Delta and I believe a Delta II would fit right in
on my desk. If you have such a beast and will part with it, let me know
condition and price.

Rusty Kirkpatrick
w4iko at bellsouth.net
w4iko at arrl.net
Lead Palmetto Statesmen Chorus

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