[TenTec] Field Day GOTA Station

w8au at sssnet.com w8au at sssnet.com
Fri Mar 14 20:42:17 EST 2003

At 02:42 PM 03/14/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>Our local club has begun planning for Field Day. I'm interested in, and have
>been put in charge of, the Get On The Air (GOTA) station.  The purpose of a
>GOTA station is to allow new or inactive hams an opportunity to operate HF.
>My hope is that it may spur some folks to set up their own station. My
>question is what rig should I use?

One of the best FD stations is the Triton 4   (540-544).
It has the five FD HF bands only.   Very functional and
simple to operate.  No programming course required!

Cheap too!

Perry  w8au

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